Польша в советском блоке: от «оттепели» к краху режима
ISBN: 978-5-91244-229-2
Год: 2018
Объем: 272 с.
: 500 руб
О книге
В настоящем издании освещены малоизученные проблемы польской истории периода «оттепели» и «развитого социализма» (1956–1980 гг.). Используя большой массив документов польских и российских архивов, автор знакомит читателя с фактами и событиями, оказавшими огромное влияние на мировосприятие современных поляков, но остающимися малоизвестными за пределами страны. В книгу, ставшую плодом многолетних исследований истории Польши второй половины XX века, вошли работы, публиковавшиеся в разные годы в научной периодике. Статья «Сионисты и партия. О роли антисемитизма в борьбе группировок внутри Польской объединенной рабочей партии» издается впервые.
The volume raises a range of understudied problems of the history of the Polish People’s Republic making the stress on the periods of the “thaw” and the “developed socialism” (1956–1980). Exploring a big massive of documents from Polish and Russian archives, the author introduces facts and events, which were of great importance for the mentality of contemporary Poles, but are less known beyond the Polish borders. The volume comprises results of a decade-long research on the history of Poland in the second half of the twentieth century and consists mainly of the articles, which have already been published in scholarly periodicals. The article “The Zionists and the party. On the role of antisemitism in the factional fight within the Polish United Workers’ Party” is published for the first time.
Книга вышла в серии «Холодная война».
The volume raises a range of understudied problems of the history of the Polish People’s Republic making the stress on the periods of the “thaw” and the “developed socialism” (1956–1980). Exploring a big massive of documents from Polish and Russian archives, the author introduces facts and events, which were of great importance for the mentality of contemporary Poles, but are less known beyond the Polish borders. The volume comprises results of a decade-long research on the history of Poland in the second half of the twentieth century and consists mainly of the articles, which have already been published in scholarly periodicals. The article “The Zionists and the party. On the role of antisemitism in the factional fight within the Polish United Workers’ Party” is published for the first time.
Книга вышла в серии «Холодная война».
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