Aristeas. Philologia classica et historia antiqua VOL. XIII
Editor in сhief Podossinov, Aleksandr V.

О книге
Журнал Аристей: вестник классической филологии и античной истории. Том XIII на русском.
VOL. XIII. 2016
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. С. 5-9
About Professor Michael von Albrecht’s Visit to Moscow. P. 13-22
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
Ad Scientiarum Academiam Russicam gratiarum actio. P. 23-25
von Albrecht, Michael
Universität Heidelberg
Ovid’s Amores and Their Relations to His Other Works. P. 26-36
von Albrecht, Michael
Universität Heidelberg
Unlike his predecessors in Latin love elegy, Ovid did not limit himself to a single poetic genre. This attitude, hinted at from the outset, becomes more and more explicit in the Amores. Actually, all of his later works (including the poetics of epic and even his lost tragedy) are being prepared here, except for his poetry of exile. This fact confirms that Ovid’s exile was not a premeditated poetic fiction but a crude reality, which hit the poet as a surprise.
Key words: Ovid, unity of his life’s work, reality of his exile, Fasti as a hommage to Propertius, poetics: elegiac and epic
Words Denoting Sounds in the Homeric Poems: φωνή and ἀκουή. P. 37-46
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K.
The paper deals with a comparative analysis of semantics of the most general words denoting sounds (φωνή and ἀκουή) in the Homeric poems. Etymological parallels and statistic data as well as cognate verbs are taken into account. The author shows that the primary meaning of the noun φωνή is ‘a sound which is produced by human voice’ while the noun ἀκουή refers to ‘a sound which is heard’. In the Homeric epic these words have meanings which coincide with their etymological meanings or those which are close to them. The basic ways of semantic development of the given words in the post-Homeric language are also considered.
Key words: ancient Greek, Homer, the names of sounds, semantics, etymology
Thetis of Alcman and Thetis of Homer: The Development of Two Images. Р. 47-62
Denisova, Maria
In this article concerning the 5th (cosmogonic) fragment of Alcman and its central figure, Thetis, we have attempted to reconcile the unusual context in which we find her name in this fragment with the conventional image of the goddess of this name known to us from the epic circle. Most of the scholars agree that there are no significant reasons to deny the presence of cosmogony in the actual lines of the partheneion cited by the scholiast. However, the existing studies do not give us a clear picture of how the Alcman’s Thetis correlates with the Homeric Nereid, mother of Achilles. The analysis of the passages of Iliad in which Thetis is present shows that her image in the poem is not in fact unequivocal and alludes to the rudimental features of a goddess of apparently greater power and different functions. Information about the cult that is at our disposal indicates that there were only two centers of worship of Thetis: Thessaly, closely related to her image developed in epic, and Sparta, where other functions of the goddess have been retained, such as the establishment of law and order of things. Therefore it seems very likely that Alcman’s Θέτις is not an abstract process of «setting things to order», as some have supposed, but a development of the well-known image of the local Laconic goddess, the allusions to which are present in Homer as inconsistencies with the Thessalian image of Thetis established in the epic tradition.
Keywords: Alcman, Thetis, Homer, Greek mythology, Greek religion, archaic cosmogony, Sparta
On the Problem of Identification of the Hero of the «Carmen contra Paganos». P. 63-89
Vedeshkin, Mikhail A.
The paper addresses the issue of identifying an anonymous hero of the “Poem against the pagans» (Carmen contra paganos) – a late 4th century Christian invective directed against an unknown representative of the Rome pagan aristocracy. Starting with the poem’s first publication the personality of the hero and the period referred to in the poem were a subject of a fierce scientific debate. To the end of the 20th century the majority of scholars identified the prefect with Virius Nicomachus Flavianus Senior – an initiator of the well known “pagan revival” of 393–394 A.D. Recently this theory was criticized by numerous experts who identified the prefect with other prominent members of the pagan opposition in the Roman Senate. New arguments are provided in the article to identify the hero as Vettius Agorius Praetextatus supported by new analysis of the poem text and by comparison with information provided by the sources dated to the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.
Key words: Late Antiquity, Roman Empire, Roman Literature, Christian Literature, Paganism, Roman Senate
The Education of Constantine the Great. P. 90-95
Mirolyubov, Ivan A.
Lomonosov MSU
The article is dedicated to the problem of the erudition of Constantine the Great. His anonymous biographer, the so-called Anonymus Valesianus, informs us about the level of education received by Constantine in his youth. The author of the present article, analyzing fragmentary reports, reconstructs Constantine the Great’s learning process and estimates his interest in various subjects. The author comes to the conclusion that the emperor aspired to gain knowledge during all his life.
Key words: Constantine the Great, Lactantius, Anonymus Valesianus, Eusebius of Caesaria, education
Carmina Einsidlensia (Russian translation supervised by A.V. Podossinov). P. 96-102
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Liber I (Russian translation and commentary by Y.A. Shakhov). P. 103-126
Shakhov, Yuriy A.
Sura ― Lycian settlement with a fish oracle. Part 1: Myra and Sura: History and Ruins. P. 127-192
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
This article is the first part of a work about Sura, a small ancient settlement in the territory of the great and powerful Lycian city of Myra. Sura was famous in the ancient world for its fish oracle of Apollo. In order to contextualize Sura’s history, the author gives an account of the history of Myra and Andriake, its harbour, and discusses the results of the archaeological excavations in the city and the harbour conducted in 2009–2012 under the guidance of professor N. Çevik. Then the author explains how to find the remains of Sura and invites the readers to take a walk among the ruins of the settlement on the flat top of the hill as well as in the narrow valley at its foot where abundant waters of a spring flow from the rock and the temple of Apollo stands in a marshy lagoon that was a sea gulf in the ancient times.
Key words: Sura, Myra, Andriake, Lycia, ancient city, acropolis, rock tombs, sarcophagi, temple, Byzantine basilica, fish oracle
What was the name of the Euboean Onetes’ Father (Herod. VII. 214)? P. 193-200
Surikov, Igor E.
Herodotus in the passage cited, when mentioning an Euboean, uses the genitive Φαναγόρεω, which presupposes the nominative Φαναγόρης. But we should remember that the “Father of History” wrote in the Eastern Ionian dialect; as to Euboea, its inhabitants used the Western Ionian one. Accordingly, the real name of the Euboean in question was Φαναγόρας.
Key words: names, dialects, Phanagoras, Herodotus
Bactrius Alcyoneus (Ov. Met. 5.135). P. 201-211
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
For the name of (H)alcyoneus the Bactrian killed by the Ovidian Perseus several sources can be conjectured from the extant parallels (viz. a certain Centauromachy used by Ovid, the cyclic Aithiopis), but these reconstructions require the spelling Alcyoneus, not Halcyoneus, as in all modern editions. The note shows that, contrary to what the apparatus criticus of modern editions implies, Alcyoneus is actually the reading supported by the manuscript tradition.
Key words: Ovid, Metamorphoses, textual criticism, Centauromachy
Der imaginäre Norden in der literarisch-heroischen Welt des Flavius Philostratus. P. 212-220
Belousov, Aleksey V.
Lomonosov MSU
The works of Philostratus Life of Apollonius of Tyana and Heroicus supplement each other; and if we study them together, we can see that they contain a uniform geographic representation of the world based on contraposition of the North and the South. These two cardinal directions are endowed with opposite axiological value: the North represents all ‘good’ and ‘Greek’, while the South is ‘barbaric’ and ‘bad’.
Key words: Flavius Philostratus, Apollonius of Tyana, Heroicus, Achilles, White island, mental geography
Review of the book: Gerstacker A., Kuhnert A., Oldemeier F., Quenouille N. (Eds.) Skythen in der lateinischen Literatur. Berlin; München; Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2015. 401 S. ISBN 978-3-11-029671-6. P. 221-225
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
The Odyssey of «Ulysses», or Unofficial Report on the Activities of the Society of Lovers of Ancient History. P. 226-228
Bugaeva, Natalya V.
Lomonosov MSU
Problems of Hellenism, Early Christianity and Historiography. P. 229-237
Gabelko, Oleg L.
«In Seven Sevens He Is at His Best in Mind and Tongue…» To the 50-year Anniversary of Nikolay P. Grintser. P. 238-242
75th Birthday of Argyro Tataki. P. 243-246
Kuzmin, Yuri N.
MCU, Samara Branch
How a Russian Celibate Priest Translated the Epitaphs of the Kings of Jerusalem. On the Question of Translation Culture in Muscovy. P. 247-258
Avdeev Aleksandr G.
St. Tychon’s Orthodox University, Dmitry Pozharsky University
The article deals with the particularities of the translation of Latin epitaphs of the rulers of Jerusalem – Godfrey of Bouillon and Baldwin I of Jerusalem, buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Those translations were made by the celibate priest Arseniy (Sukhanov) in 1650s during a pilgrimage to the Holy Places. However, in his translations, he did not aim for literal accuracy. Although Arseniy (Sukhanov) was one of the few experts in the Latin language in Muscovy in the middle of the 17th century, he understood foreign text according to his worldview and his translation was aimed at people with a range of reading corresponding to the common culture of his time.
Key words: Arseniy (Sukhanov), Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin I of Jerusalem, epitaph, spiritual poems, epigraphy of Moscow Rus’
The Rock Sanctuary with an Alphabetical Oracle in Kibyratis. P. 259
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
VOL. XIII. 2016
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. С. 5-9
About Professor Michael von Albrecht’s Visit to Moscow. P. 13-22
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
Ad Scientiarum Academiam Russicam gratiarum actio. P. 23-25
von Albrecht, Michael
Universität Heidelberg
Ovid’s Amores and Their Relations to His Other Works. P. 26-36
von Albrecht, Michael
Universität Heidelberg
Unlike his predecessors in Latin love elegy, Ovid did not limit himself to a single poetic genre. This attitude, hinted at from the outset, becomes more and more explicit in the Amores. Actually, all of his later works (including the poetics of epic and even his lost tragedy) are being prepared here, except for his poetry of exile. This fact confirms that Ovid’s exile was not a premeditated poetic fiction but a crude reality, which hit the poet as a surprise.
Key words: Ovid, unity of his life’s work, reality of his exile, Fasti as a hommage to Propertius, poetics: elegiac and epic
Words Denoting Sounds in the Homeric Poems: φωνή and ἀκουή. P. 37-46
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K.
The paper deals with a comparative analysis of semantics of the most general words denoting sounds (φωνή and ἀκουή) in the Homeric poems. Etymological parallels and statistic data as well as cognate verbs are taken into account. The author shows that the primary meaning of the noun φωνή is ‘a sound which is produced by human voice’ while the noun ἀκουή refers to ‘a sound which is heard’. In the Homeric epic these words have meanings which coincide with their etymological meanings or those which are close to them. The basic ways of semantic development of the given words in the post-Homeric language are also considered.
Key words: ancient Greek, Homer, the names of sounds, semantics, etymology
Thetis of Alcman and Thetis of Homer: The Development of Two Images. Р. 47-62
Denisova, Maria
In this article concerning the 5th (cosmogonic) fragment of Alcman and its central figure, Thetis, we have attempted to reconcile the unusual context in which we find her name in this fragment with the conventional image of the goddess of this name known to us from the epic circle. Most of the scholars agree that there are no significant reasons to deny the presence of cosmogony in the actual lines of the partheneion cited by the scholiast. However, the existing studies do not give us a clear picture of how the Alcman’s Thetis correlates with the Homeric Nereid, mother of Achilles. The analysis of the passages of Iliad in which Thetis is present shows that her image in the poem is not in fact unequivocal and alludes to the rudimental features of a goddess of apparently greater power and different functions. Information about the cult that is at our disposal indicates that there were only two centers of worship of Thetis: Thessaly, closely related to her image developed in epic, and Sparta, where other functions of the goddess have been retained, such as the establishment of law and order of things. Therefore it seems very likely that Alcman’s Θέτις is not an abstract process of «setting things to order», as some have supposed, but a development of the well-known image of the local Laconic goddess, the allusions to which are present in Homer as inconsistencies with the Thessalian image of Thetis established in the epic tradition.
Keywords: Alcman, Thetis, Homer, Greek mythology, Greek religion, archaic cosmogony, Sparta
On the Problem of Identification of the Hero of the «Carmen contra Paganos». P. 63-89
Vedeshkin, Mikhail A.
The paper addresses the issue of identifying an anonymous hero of the “Poem against the pagans» (Carmen contra paganos) – a late 4th century Christian invective directed against an unknown representative of the Rome pagan aristocracy. Starting with the poem’s first publication the personality of the hero and the period referred to in the poem were a subject of a fierce scientific debate. To the end of the 20th century the majority of scholars identified the prefect with Virius Nicomachus Flavianus Senior – an initiator of the well known “pagan revival” of 393–394 A.D. Recently this theory was criticized by numerous experts who identified the prefect with other prominent members of the pagan opposition in the Roman Senate. New arguments are provided in the article to identify the hero as Vettius Agorius Praetextatus supported by new analysis of the poem text and by comparison with information provided by the sources dated to the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.
Key words: Late Antiquity, Roman Empire, Roman Literature, Christian Literature, Paganism, Roman Senate
The Education of Constantine the Great. P. 90-95
Mirolyubov, Ivan A.
Lomonosov MSU
The article is dedicated to the problem of the erudition of Constantine the Great. His anonymous biographer, the so-called Anonymus Valesianus, informs us about the level of education received by Constantine in his youth. The author of the present article, analyzing fragmentary reports, reconstructs Constantine the Great’s learning process and estimates his interest in various subjects. The author comes to the conclusion that the emperor aspired to gain knowledge during all his life.
Key words: Constantine the Great, Lactantius, Anonymus Valesianus, Eusebius of Caesaria, education
Carmina Einsidlensia (Russian translation supervised by A.V. Podossinov). P. 96-102
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Liber I (Russian translation and commentary by Y.A. Shakhov). P. 103-126
Shakhov, Yuriy A.
Sura ― Lycian settlement with a fish oracle. Part 1: Myra and Sura: History and Ruins. P. 127-192
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
This article is the first part of a work about Sura, a small ancient settlement in the territory of the great and powerful Lycian city of Myra. Sura was famous in the ancient world for its fish oracle of Apollo. In order to contextualize Sura’s history, the author gives an account of the history of Myra and Andriake, its harbour, and discusses the results of the archaeological excavations in the city and the harbour conducted in 2009–2012 under the guidance of professor N. Çevik. Then the author explains how to find the remains of Sura and invites the readers to take a walk among the ruins of the settlement on the flat top of the hill as well as in the narrow valley at its foot where abundant waters of a spring flow from the rock and the temple of Apollo stands in a marshy lagoon that was a sea gulf in the ancient times.
Key words: Sura, Myra, Andriake, Lycia, ancient city, acropolis, rock tombs, sarcophagi, temple, Byzantine basilica, fish oracle
What was the name of the Euboean Onetes’ Father (Herod. VII. 214)? P. 193-200
Surikov, Igor E.
Herodotus in the passage cited, when mentioning an Euboean, uses the genitive Φαναγόρεω, which presupposes the nominative Φαναγόρης. But we should remember that the “Father of History” wrote in the Eastern Ionian dialect; as to Euboea, its inhabitants used the Western Ionian one. Accordingly, the real name of the Euboean in question was Φαναγόρας.
Key words: names, dialects, Phanagoras, Herodotus
Bactrius Alcyoneus (Ov. Met. 5.135). P. 201-211
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
For the name of (H)alcyoneus the Bactrian killed by the Ovidian Perseus several sources can be conjectured from the extant parallels (viz. a certain Centauromachy used by Ovid, the cyclic Aithiopis), but these reconstructions require the spelling Alcyoneus, not Halcyoneus, as in all modern editions. The note shows that, contrary to what the apparatus criticus of modern editions implies, Alcyoneus is actually the reading supported by the manuscript tradition.
Key words: Ovid, Metamorphoses, textual criticism, Centauromachy
Der imaginäre Norden in der literarisch-heroischen Welt des Flavius Philostratus. P. 212-220
Belousov, Aleksey V.
Lomonosov MSU
The works of Philostratus Life of Apollonius of Tyana and Heroicus supplement each other; and if we study them together, we can see that they contain a uniform geographic representation of the world based on contraposition of the North and the South. These two cardinal directions are endowed with opposite axiological value: the North represents all ‘good’ and ‘Greek’, while the South is ‘barbaric’ and ‘bad’.
Key words: Flavius Philostratus, Apollonius of Tyana, Heroicus, Achilles, White island, mental geography
Review of the book: Gerstacker A., Kuhnert A., Oldemeier F., Quenouille N. (Eds.) Skythen in der lateinischen Literatur. Berlin; München; Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2015. 401 S. ISBN 978-3-11-029671-6. P. 221-225
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
The Odyssey of «Ulysses», or Unofficial Report on the Activities of the Society of Lovers of Ancient History. P. 226-228
Bugaeva, Natalya V.
Lomonosov MSU
Problems of Hellenism, Early Christianity and Historiography. P. 229-237
Gabelko, Oleg L.
«In Seven Sevens He Is at His Best in Mind and Tongue…» To the 50-year Anniversary of Nikolay P. Grintser. P. 238-242
75th Birthday of Argyro Tataki. P. 243-246
Kuzmin, Yuri N.
MCU, Samara Branch
How a Russian Celibate Priest Translated the Epitaphs of the Kings of Jerusalem. On the Question of Translation Culture in Muscovy. P. 247-258
Avdeev Aleksandr G.
St. Tychon’s Orthodox University, Dmitry Pozharsky University
The article deals with the particularities of the translation of Latin epitaphs of the rulers of Jerusalem – Godfrey of Bouillon and Baldwin I of Jerusalem, buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Those translations were made by the celibate priest Arseniy (Sukhanov) in 1650s during a pilgrimage to the Holy Places. However, in his translations, he did not aim for literal accuracy. Although Arseniy (Sukhanov) was one of the few experts in the Latin language in Muscovy in the middle of the 17th century, he understood foreign text according to his worldview and his translation was aimed at people with a range of reading corresponding to the common culture of his time.
Key words: Arseniy (Sukhanov), Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin I of Jerusalem, epitaph, spiritual poems, epigraphy of Moscow Rus’
The Rock Sanctuary with an Alphabetical Oracle in Kibyratis. P. 259
Prikhodko, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
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