Aristeas. Philologia classica et historia antiqua VOL. XVI
Editor in сhief Podossinov, Aleksandr V.

О книге
Журнал Аристей: вестник классической филологии и античной истории. Том XVI на русском.
VOL. XVI. 2017
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-6
Carmina Latina. C. 11-12
von Albrecht, Michael
Universität Heidelberg
Epicharmus on God as Mind (ΝΟΟΣ). A Neglected Fragment in Stobaeus. (With Some Remarks on Early Pythagorean Metaphysics and Theology). P. 13-27
Lebedev, Andrey V.
IPh RAS, University of Crete
Once More about the Geography of the Taman’ Peninsula in Antiquity. P. 28-44
Tochtasjev, Sergej R.
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS
According to the author, some sources for the ancient geography of the Taman peninsula point out that it consisted of two islands (Phanagoria and Hermonassa). The new theory which suggests that there was only one island separated from the mainland by a strait (“Kuban (or Central, Temryuk) Bosporus”) in the 6th to 1st (?) centuries BC, is claimed to be irrelevant.
Keywords: Cimmerian Bosporus, Phanagoria, ancient geography of the Taman peninsula, so-called “Kuban (Central, Temryuk) Bosporus”
«Brother of Our Master Constantine Augustus»: The Career of Julius Constantius. P. 45-54
Mirolyubov, Ivan A.
Lomonosov MSU
The present article focuses on the life and career of Julius Constantius, Constantine the Great’s half-brother. Being the son of the emperor Constantius Chlorus from his second legitimate marriage, he might be considered as his famous brothers’ rival. But the narrative tradition recorded quite warm relationships between Constantine and his half-brother. Julius Constantius didn’t build the career of high official at Constantine’s court, but that circumstance should be ascribed to the apathy of Constantius himself. Nevertheless he was honored with consulate (335), the titles of “patricius” and “nobilissiumus” and the right to wear purple, – in short, the status of Constantius’ should be regarded as rather high. Therefore, Constantius’ cursus honorum is an interesting example of dynastic policy of Constantine the Great and – generally – kindred relationships in the house of Constantine.
Keywords: Julius Constantius, Constantine the Great, Flavius Dalmatius, Flavius Hannibalianus, Julian the Apostate, Constantine’s dynasty, dynastic policy
A New Greek Curse from Ancient Nikonion. P. 55-64
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU
The paper is dedicated to an inscribed lead tablet found in the vicinity of the Roksolany village (the location of the ancient Greek Nikonion). The artefact is max. 10.5 cm long and max 8 cm wide. Greek letters are scratched onto both faces of the tablet: seven lines on the internal (recto) and fourteen lines of the external surface (tergo). The text contains a list of personal names ending with the τούτο̣[υς] γενέc[θα]ι ἀφṓν[ου]c formula. Binding of enemies’ tongues and, more generally, voices is not uncommon for Greek defixiones, so the body of known ἄφωνοι formulae can be supplemented by this new τούτο̣[υς] γενέc[θα]ι ἀφṓν[ου]c one. Therefore we have before us a very important new historical source, which is capable of providing valuable information not only on onomastics, palaeography and linguistics of Nikonion, but on the magic and religion of ancient Hellenes as well.
Keywords: Greek epigraphy, palaeography, Ionian dialect, ancient Greek magic, ancient Greek religion, Northern Black Sea region, Nikonion
Aelius Aristides. Concerning the Prohibition of Comedy (Translated by S.I. Mezheritskaya). P. 65-72
Mezheritskaya, Svetlana I.
Blossius Aemilius Dracontius. Satisfactio (Translated by I.M. Nikolsky). P. 73-106
Nikolsky, Ivan M.
This work is the first commented Russian translation of the Latin text of Satisfaction (Satisfactio), the work by Blossius Aemilius Dracontius, poet, lawyer, and rhetor who lived in the second half of the 5th century in Carthage, at that moment the capital of Vandal Africa. Author wrote this text while being under arrest. This piece of fiction, addressed to the king of Vandals, is actually a versified appeal for pardon. Simultaneously the author constructs an image of ideal ruler, in accordance with which the addressee of his epistle should act – noting important virtues and giving examples from the past. The text is worthy of attention in context of the problems of evolution of the political ideology in the epoch of transitional period between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. As a supplement a translation of the revised version of Dracontius’ work produced in the 7th century by Eugene II, the Archbishop of Toledo (646–657) is added.
Keywords: Dracontius, Vandals, Vandal Africa, late antiquity, early Middle Ages
Good-bye to “Dithagoia”: Death of One and Birth of Another Goddess. P. 107-115
Shelov-Kovedyaev, Fedor V.
Russian Social and Business Promotion Center
The paper proposes to replace in SEG 37, 674 the unknown anywhere else and unclear hapax Διθαγοιαι by δίαι θαγοίαι, the mention of the goddess protector (resp. Artemis) of the Spartocid dynasty’s throne.
Keywords: Bosporan epigraphy, Artemis, Spartocid dynasty
On the Genitive Singular of the Noun vis. P. 116-119
Drachiova, Nina V.
The article deals with the form vis of the noun vis, given by M. Terentius Varro as an example in the treatise De lingua Latina (VIII, 7–8, XI, 17). Analyzing scholarly and reference literature, the author comes to the conclusion that this form of genitive singular, though used quite rarely, did not eventually fall out of use in Latin.
Keywords: noun vis, oblique case, genitive singular
Sura – the Lycian Settlement with a Fish Oracle. Part 3. Mantic Procedure: The Prophetic Spirit and Priesthood. P. 120-179
E.V. Prikhodko
Lomonosov MSU
This article is the third part of a work about Sura, a small ancient settlement in the vicinity of the great and powerful Lycian city of Myra. Sura was famous in the ancient world for its fish oracle of Apollo. Τhe author tries to piece together all accounts of the mantic procedure of Sura from works of ancient writers and from the inscriptions carved in rocks on the higher plateau of Sura and on the interior walls of the temple of Apollo named Sozon. According to Polycharmus, the enquirers threw pieces of sacrificial meat into the δίνη, which modern scholars translate as «whirlpool». However, there is not and was not in ancient times any real whirlpool in the lagoon of Sura. Studying many contexts of the word δίνη in ancient Greek and Byzantine literature the author concludes that it had one common meaning not cited by Greek dictionaries, «the middle rapid stream of a river». The visitors of sanctuary threw parts of their sacrifices in the rapid water of the spring which still issues from the foot of the hill and flows into the sea. The spring was considered a habitation of the μαντεῖον – the prophetic spirit of Sura. The inscription in honor of Antigonos, the priest of the sanctuary, and five inscriptions which present lists of προστάται of the Sacred League – for these inscriptions the author attempts to determine the chronological sequence – show us the structure of the priesthood of Sura in the 3rd century AD.
Keywords: Sura, Lycia, Sozon, Apollo, fish oracle, temple of Apollo, mantic procedure, δίνη, priest, hierokeryx, Saint League, list of prostatai
Review of the book: Tabula Peutingeriana. Die einzige Weltkarte aus der Antike / Eingeleitet und kommentiert von Michael Rathmann. Darmstadt, 2016. С. 180-183
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
Ninth Summer School on Classics (1–10 August 2017). P. 184-189
Samokhvalova, Natalya Y.
A.A. Takho-Godi as a Publisher of Losev’s Works. P. 190-213
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K.
Cultural Society “Dialogs of Losev” (Moscow)
Readers of the books by A.F. Losev have got used to see on the pages of these editions the name of A.A. Takho-Godi as editor, commentator, publisher, and co-author of his works. The preservation of the heritage of the philosopher has become perhaps the most important direction in her scholarly effort, together with her own research as well as her teaching gift and leader’s talent. She continued the work of V.M. Loseva, her predecessor on this path, and she gathered around her a team of scholars, experts in different fields. Because of this, the world scientific community received a wealth of materials for further research on Losev’s heritage in the sphere of philosophy, aesthetics, philology, theology, history, mythology, mathematics and music. As for the difficulties in publishing books and the findings in the archives, Aza Alibekovna repeatedly told about them at conferences and in her interviews, wrote in her memoirs, articles and reviews. A broad range of issues connected with Losev’s research was also naturally included in the scope of her own scholarly interests.
Keywords: A.A. Takho-Godi, publisher, editor, commentator, A.F. Losev, philosophy, philology, aesthetics, culture, mythology
Pseudo-historical Reality and Historical Narrative in “The Universal History as Reworked by Satirikon”. P. 214-233
Soloviev, Aleksandr M.
This article is focused on “The Universal History as Reworked by Satyrikon”, in particular on its part dedicated to Classical Antiquity. The author suggests to interpret “The Universal History” as a social statement, an invective against Russian educational model of the late 19th – early 20th century, which used ancient languages and classical studies as one of the instruments of cultural repression. Basing “The Universal History” on one of the most popular history textbook of the time, written by D.I. Ilovaysky, N.A. Teffi, the author of the part of “The Universal history”, dealing with Classical Antiquity, travests and lampoons the original schoolbook, combining fragments from ancient texts with political satire. Teffi incorporates social criticism into a historical narrative, in which ancient history and modernity are brought together closely. This case of reception of Classical Antiquity is interesting as contrasting to the line of classic reception in Russian modernism, mostly represented by Symbolists and Post-Symbolists.
Keywords: reception of antiquity; Satyricon; “Universal History as Reworked by Satyrikon”; Teffi; Ilovaysky; classical gymnasium
VOL. XVI. 2017
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. P. 5-6
Carmina Latina. C. 11-12
von Albrecht, Michael
Universität Heidelberg
Epicharmus on God as Mind (ΝΟΟΣ). A Neglected Fragment in Stobaeus. (With Some Remarks on Early Pythagorean Metaphysics and Theology). P. 13-27
Lebedev, Andrey V.
IPh RAS, University of Crete
Once More about the Geography of the Taman’ Peninsula in Antiquity. P. 28-44
Tochtasjev, Sergej R.
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS
According to the author, some sources for the ancient geography of the Taman peninsula point out that it consisted of two islands (Phanagoria and Hermonassa). The new theory which suggests that there was only one island separated from the mainland by a strait (“Kuban (or Central, Temryuk) Bosporus”) in the 6th to 1st (?) centuries BC, is claimed to be irrelevant.
Keywords: Cimmerian Bosporus, Phanagoria, ancient geography of the Taman peninsula, so-called “Kuban (Central, Temryuk) Bosporus”
«Brother of Our Master Constantine Augustus»: The Career of Julius Constantius. P. 45-54
Mirolyubov, Ivan A.
Lomonosov MSU
The present article focuses on the life and career of Julius Constantius, Constantine the Great’s half-brother. Being the son of the emperor Constantius Chlorus from his second legitimate marriage, he might be considered as his famous brothers’ rival. But the narrative tradition recorded quite warm relationships between Constantine and his half-brother. Julius Constantius didn’t build the career of high official at Constantine’s court, but that circumstance should be ascribed to the apathy of Constantius himself. Nevertheless he was honored with consulate (335), the titles of “patricius” and “nobilissiumus” and the right to wear purple, – in short, the status of Constantius’ should be regarded as rather high. Therefore, Constantius’ cursus honorum is an interesting example of dynastic policy of Constantine the Great and – generally – kindred relationships in the house of Constantine.
Keywords: Julius Constantius, Constantine the Great, Flavius Dalmatius, Flavius Hannibalianus, Julian the Apostate, Constantine’s dynasty, dynastic policy
A New Greek Curse from Ancient Nikonion. P. 55-64
Belousov, Alexey V.
Lomonosov MSU
The paper is dedicated to an inscribed lead tablet found in the vicinity of the Roksolany village (the location of the ancient Greek Nikonion). The artefact is max. 10.5 cm long and max 8 cm wide. Greek letters are scratched onto both faces of the tablet: seven lines on the internal (recto) and fourteen lines of the external surface (tergo). The text contains a list of personal names ending with the τούτο̣[υς] γενέc[θα]ι ἀφṓν[ου]c formula. Binding of enemies’ tongues and, more generally, voices is not uncommon for Greek defixiones, so the body of known ἄφωνοι formulae can be supplemented by this new τούτο̣[υς] γενέc[θα]ι ἀφṓν[ου]c one. Therefore we have before us a very important new historical source, which is capable of providing valuable information not only on onomastics, palaeography and linguistics of Nikonion, but on the magic and religion of ancient Hellenes as well.
Keywords: Greek epigraphy, palaeography, Ionian dialect, ancient Greek magic, ancient Greek religion, Northern Black Sea region, Nikonion
Aelius Aristides. Concerning the Prohibition of Comedy (Translated by S.I. Mezheritskaya). P. 65-72
Mezheritskaya, Svetlana I.
Blossius Aemilius Dracontius. Satisfactio (Translated by I.M. Nikolsky). P. 73-106
Nikolsky, Ivan M.
This work is the first commented Russian translation of the Latin text of Satisfaction (Satisfactio), the work by Blossius Aemilius Dracontius, poet, lawyer, and rhetor who lived in the second half of the 5th century in Carthage, at that moment the capital of Vandal Africa. Author wrote this text while being under arrest. This piece of fiction, addressed to the king of Vandals, is actually a versified appeal for pardon. Simultaneously the author constructs an image of ideal ruler, in accordance with which the addressee of his epistle should act – noting important virtues and giving examples from the past. The text is worthy of attention in context of the problems of evolution of the political ideology in the epoch of transitional period between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. As a supplement a translation of the revised version of Dracontius’ work produced in the 7th century by Eugene II, the Archbishop of Toledo (646–657) is added.
Keywords: Dracontius, Vandals, Vandal Africa, late antiquity, early Middle Ages
Good-bye to “Dithagoia”: Death of One and Birth of Another Goddess. P. 107-115
Shelov-Kovedyaev, Fedor V.
Russian Social and Business Promotion Center
The paper proposes to replace in SEG 37, 674 the unknown anywhere else and unclear hapax Διθαγοιαι by δίαι θαγοίαι, the mention of the goddess protector (resp. Artemis) of the Spartocid dynasty’s throne.
Keywords: Bosporan epigraphy, Artemis, Spartocid dynasty
On the Genitive Singular of the Noun vis. P. 116-119
Drachiova, Nina V.
The article deals with the form vis of the noun vis, given by M. Terentius Varro as an example in the treatise De lingua Latina (VIII, 7–8, XI, 17). Analyzing scholarly and reference literature, the author comes to the conclusion that this form of genitive singular, though used quite rarely, did not eventually fall out of use in Latin.
Keywords: noun vis, oblique case, genitive singular
Sura – the Lycian Settlement with a Fish Oracle. Part 3. Mantic Procedure: The Prophetic Spirit and Priesthood. P. 120-179
E.V. Prikhodko
Lomonosov MSU
This article is the third part of a work about Sura, a small ancient settlement in the vicinity of the great and powerful Lycian city of Myra. Sura was famous in the ancient world for its fish oracle of Apollo. Τhe author tries to piece together all accounts of the mantic procedure of Sura from works of ancient writers and from the inscriptions carved in rocks on the higher plateau of Sura and on the interior walls of the temple of Apollo named Sozon. According to Polycharmus, the enquirers threw pieces of sacrificial meat into the δίνη, which modern scholars translate as «whirlpool». However, there is not and was not in ancient times any real whirlpool in the lagoon of Sura. Studying many contexts of the word δίνη in ancient Greek and Byzantine literature the author concludes that it had one common meaning not cited by Greek dictionaries, «the middle rapid stream of a river». The visitors of sanctuary threw parts of their sacrifices in the rapid water of the spring which still issues from the foot of the hill and flows into the sea. The spring was considered a habitation of the μαντεῖον – the prophetic spirit of Sura. The inscription in honor of Antigonos, the priest of the sanctuary, and five inscriptions which present lists of προστάται of the Sacred League – for these inscriptions the author attempts to determine the chronological sequence – show us the structure of the priesthood of Sura in the 3rd century AD.
Keywords: Sura, Lycia, Sozon, Apollo, fish oracle, temple of Apollo, mantic procedure, δίνη, priest, hierokeryx, Saint League, list of prostatai
Review of the book: Tabula Peutingeriana. Die einzige Weltkarte aus der Antike / Eingeleitet und kommentiert von Michael Rathmann. Darmstadt, 2016. С. 180-183
Podossinov, Aleksandr V.
IWH RAS, Lomonosov MSU
Ninth Summer School on Classics (1–10 August 2017). P. 184-189
Samokhvalova, Natalya Y.
A.A. Takho-Godi as a Publisher of Losev’s Works. P. 190-213
Malinauskene, Nadezhda K.
Cultural Society “Dialogs of Losev” (Moscow)
Readers of the books by A.F. Losev have got used to see on the pages of these editions the name of A.A. Takho-Godi as editor, commentator, publisher, and co-author of his works. The preservation of the heritage of the philosopher has become perhaps the most important direction in her scholarly effort, together with her own research as well as her teaching gift and leader’s talent. She continued the work of V.M. Loseva, her predecessor on this path, and she gathered around her a team of scholars, experts in different fields. Because of this, the world scientific community received a wealth of materials for further research on Losev’s heritage in the sphere of philosophy, aesthetics, philology, theology, history, mythology, mathematics and music. As for the difficulties in publishing books and the findings in the archives, Aza Alibekovna repeatedly told about them at conferences and in her interviews, wrote in her memoirs, articles and reviews. A broad range of issues connected with Losev’s research was also naturally included in the scope of her own scholarly interests.
Keywords: A.A. Takho-Godi, publisher, editor, commentator, A.F. Losev, philosophy, philology, aesthetics, culture, mythology
Pseudo-historical Reality and Historical Narrative in “The Universal History as Reworked by Satirikon”. P. 214-233
Soloviev, Aleksandr M.
This article is focused on “The Universal History as Reworked by Satyrikon”, in particular on its part dedicated to Classical Antiquity. The author suggests to interpret “The Universal History” as a social statement, an invective against Russian educational model of the late 19th – early 20th century, which used ancient languages and classical studies as one of the instruments of cultural repression. Basing “The Universal History” on one of the most popular history textbook of the time, written by D.I. Ilovaysky, N.A. Teffi, the author of the part of “The Universal history”, dealing with Classical Antiquity, travests and lampoons the original schoolbook, combining fragments from ancient texts with political satire. Teffi incorporates social criticism into a historical narrative, in which ancient history and modernity are brought together closely. This case of reception of Classical Antiquity is interesting as contrasting to the line of classic reception in Russian modernism, mostly represented by Symbolists and Post-Symbolists.
Keywords: reception of antiquity; Satyricon; “Universal History as Reworked by Satyrikon”; Teffi; Ilovaysky; classical gymnasium
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