Aristeas. Philologia classica et historia antiqua VOL. XV
Editor in сhief Podossinov, Aleksandr V.

О книге
Журнал Аристей: вестник классической филологии и античной истории. Том XV на русском.
VOL. XV. 2017
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. С. 5-6
Carmina Latina. C. 11-20
Keyer, Denis V.
St. Petersburg Institute for History RAS, SPbU
The author presents jubilee odes and translations from Russian poetry in Latin verse.
Keywords: Neolatin poetry, Alcaic verse, Sapphic verse, hendecasyllabus
“Nunc sunt alia tempora…” Colloquium cum D.rice Sigride Albert Saravipontana commentariorum periodicorum “Vox Latina” qui inscribuntur. P. 21-34
Alexius Vestigiarius (qui et Slednikov) (Slednikov, Aleksey G.)
International University for Business and New Technologies (Yaroslavl)
A New Fragment of the Athenian Coinage Decree from Aphytis (Chalcidice) and Its Significance. P. 35-54
Surikov, Igor E.
The Athenian Coinage Decree is one of the most important epigraphic monuments of the Classical period. Periodically, still new and new inscriptions from various poleis with fragments of its text are being discovered and published. Up to now, the latest of such publications has been by M. Hatzopoulos, who made known to scholars one more fragment of the decree from Aphytis at the Chalcidice (another fragment from the same place was published long ago).
The fragment in question gives several interesting readings in places, which previously were considered debatable and reconstructed variously. Some of such new readings appear to be even surprising (particularly τὴν συμμαχίαν instead of Ἀθηναίους postulated earlier). Hatzopoulos is convinced in the later date of the decree (420es B.C.); however, the new fragment contains data that evidence rather for the latter one (440es B.C.).
Keywords: Athens, the Classical period, the 5th century B.C., the Athenian Empire, inscriptions, the Athenian Coinage Decree, chronology, symmachia
Olbian Decrees in Honor of Citizens of Chersonesоs in the Context of Local Chronologies of Olbia, Chersonesos and Pontos. P. 55-76
Nikolaev, Nikolay I.
NASU Institute of History of Ukraine
The problem of historical chronology of Chersonesos and Pontos is identification of dynastic royal era from decree IPE I 2 402 between Pharnakes Ι and citizens of Chersonesоs. 158–155 years BC is offered on the basis of the comparative chronological study of Olbian decrees in honor of citizens of Chersonesos and Chersonesean amphora stamps with the same names of the hypothesis about the dating of the Chersonesean decree IPE I 2 402.
Keywords: Olbia, Chersonesos, Pontos, local chronologies, prosopography
Addresses to the Youth in the Fourth Century Cappadocia. P. 77-89
Alieva, Olga V.
Scholarly discussions concerning the audience of St. Basil’s Ad adolescentes are normally centered on the question whether St. Basil addresses himself to his nephews. However, unlike his friend St. Gregory of Nazianz, Basil is very reserved when it comes to his family, and not much information can be gained from his writings on this point. Due to the lack of biographical evidence, further specification of the audience could proceed by means of comparison with two other writings created around the same time, in the same Roman province, and dedicated to the same subject. The texts in question are St. Gregory’s Carmina ΙΙ. 2. 4 and ΙΙ. 2. 5 and Amphilochius’s Iambi ad Seleucum. We suggest that in all the three cases the authors and their addressees find themselves in similar situations, and attempt to reconstruct these situations on the basis of prosopographical material and other evidence.
Keywords: Cappadocia, paideia, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianz, Amphilochius of Iconium, Roman education, Later Roman Empire, prosopography
Joseph Justus Scaliger and the Periodization of the History of Ancient Greek Literature. P. 90-127
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
The periodization of the history of Ancient Greek literature proposed by Joseph Justus Scaliger in his letter to Claudius Salmasius from November 30th, 1607 was not just an application to the Greek material of the developmental scheme Julius Caesar Scaliger had imposed on Latin poetry in his Poetics. The periodization of Julius Caesar Scaliger (itself probably derived from Florus’ division of Roman history into periods) rather served Joseph Justus Scaliger an object of polemics, and the key influences determining the outlook of his own scheme were the context of his correspondence with Salmasius and the list of authors in Henri Estienne’s collection Poetae Graeci principes… that Scaliger the Younger used as a kind of Greek canon.
Keywords: Joseph Justus Scaliger, history of Ancient Greek literature, Claudius Salmasius, Julius Caesar Scaliger, Henri Estienne
Translations from Horace. P. 128-134
Korchagin, Aleksey O.
Lomonosov MSU
Martianus Capella. On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury Book 2. Translated by Y. Shakhov. P. 135-160
Shakhov Yuriy A.
The Poem by Manasses Cyros Constantinos about His Journey to Jerusalem. Translated by O.V. Smyka. P. 161-192
Smyka, Olga V.
Lomonosov MSU
Par tibi Roma nihil… Narratio Magistri Gregorii de Mirabilibus Urbis Romae. Translated by I.V. Kuvshinskaya. P. 193-228
Kuvshinskaya, Irina V.
Lomonosov MSU
Mediaeval description of Rome’s most remarkable sights entitled “Magistri Gregorii narratio de mirabilibus Urbis Romae” was published in 1917. The paper is the first part of a Russian translation of the text concerning the famous sculptural monuments of Rome and related legends.
Keywords: Rome, Magister Gregorius from Oxford, “De mirabilibus Urbis Romae”, ancient sculpture
About My Fellow Students, Victims of Repressions. P. 229-234
Katsman, Nina L.
Moscow State Linguistic University
Review of the book: Chernyakhovskaya O. Sokrates bei Xenophon: Moral - Politik - Religion. Classica Monacensia, Bd 49. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2014. S. xii, 279. P. 235-240
Belikov, Grigory S.
Lomonosov MSU
“The Material Turn” in Modern Studies of the Ancient, Medieval and Neo-European Magic. P. 241-273
Belousov, Aleksey V.
Lomonosov MSU
Days and Works of Yakov Nikolaevich Lubarskiy. P. 274-303
Kleiner, Yuriy A.
The Ninetieth Birthday of Professor Sir John Boardman (curriculum vitae and Bibliography). P. 304-325
A.A. Grushka’s Entry Cicero in the Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary and Its Genre Analysis. P. 326-334
Skudar, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
Basing on unpublished archive documents, the author recounts the history of encyclopedic entry Cicero, written by Apollon Grushka (1869–1929), a prominent Russian classicist. His text is compared to two other entries on the same topic in well-known Russian encyclopedias, written by Tadeusz Zieliński (1859–1944) and Mikhail Gasparov (1935–2005).
Keywords: A.A. Grushka, biography, Cicero, Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary
VOL. XV. 2017
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief. С. 5-6
Carmina Latina. C. 11-20
Keyer, Denis V.
St. Petersburg Institute for History RAS, SPbU
The author presents jubilee odes and translations from Russian poetry in Latin verse.
Keywords: Neolatin poetry, Alcaic verse, Sapphic verse, hendecasyllabus
“Nunc sunt alia tempora…” Colloquium cum D.rice Sigride Albert Saravipontana commentariorum periodicorum “Vox Latina” qui inscribuntur. P. 21-34
Alexius Vestigiarius (qui et Slednikov) (Slednikov, Aleksey G.)
International University for Business and New Technologies (Yaroslavl)
A New Fragment of the Athenian Coinage Decree from Aphytis (Chalcidice) and Its Significance. P. 35-54
Surikov, Igor E.
The Athenian Coinage Decree is one of the most important epigraphic monuments of the Classical period. Periodically, still new and new inscriptions from various poleis with fragments of its text are being discovered and published. Up to now, the latest of such publications has been by M. Hatzopoulos, who made known to scholars one more fragment of the decree from Aphytis at the Chalcidice (another fragment from the same place was published long ago).
The fragment in question gives several interesting readings in places, which previously were considered debatable and reconstructed variously. Some of such new readings appear to be even surprising (particularly τὴν συμμαχίαν instead of Ἀθηναίους postulated earlier). Hatzopoulos is convinced in the later date of the decree (420es B.C.); however, the new fragment contains data that evidence rather for the latter one (440es B.C.).
Keywords: Athens, the Classical period, the 5th century B.C., the Athenian Empire, inscriptions, the Athenian Coinage Decree, chronology, symmachia
Olbian Decrees in Honor of Citizens of Chersonesоs in the Context of Local Chronologies of Olbia, Chersonesos and Pontos. P. 55-76
Nikolaev, Nikolay I.
NASU Institute of History of Ukraine
The problem of historical chronology of Chersonesos and Pontos is identification of dynastic royal era from decree IPE I 2 402 between Pharnakes Ι and citizens of Chersonesоs. 158–155 years BC is offered on the basis of the comparative chronological study of Olbian decrees in honor of citizens of Chersonesos and Chersonesean amphora stamps with the same names of the hypothesis about the dating of the Chersonesean decree IPE I 2 402.
Keywords: Olbia, Chersonesos, Pontos, local chronologies, prosopography
Addresses to the Youth in the Fourth Century Cappadocia. P. 77-89
Alieva, Olga V.
Scholarly discussions concerning the audience of St. Basil’s Ad adolescentes are normally centered on the question whether St. Basil addresses himself to his nephews. However, unlike his friend St. Gregory of Nazianz, Basil is very reserved when it comes to his family, and not much information can be gained from his writings on this point. Due to the lack of biographical evidence, further specification of the audience could proceed by means of comparison with two other writings created around the same time, in the same Roman province, and dedicated to the same subject. The texts in question are St. Gregory’s Carmina ΙΙ. 2. 4 and ΙΙ. 2. 5 and Amphilochius’s Iambi ad Seleucum. We suggest that in all the three cases the authors and their addressees find themselves in similar situations, and attempt to reconstruct these situations on the basis of prosopographical material and other evidence.
Keywords: Cappadocia, paideia, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianz, Amphilochius of Iconium, Roman education, Later Roman Empire, prosopography
Joseph Justus Scaliger and the Periodization of the History of Ancient Greek Literature. P. 90-127
Shumilin, Mikhail V.
The periodization of the history of Ancient Greek literature proposed by Joseph Justus Scaliger in his letter to Claudius Salmasius from November 30th, 1607 was not just an application to the Greek material of the developmental scheme Julius Caesar Scaliger had imposed on Latin poetry in his Poetics. The periodization of Julius Caesar Scaliger (itself probably derived from Florus’ division of Roman history into periods) rather served Joseph Justus Scaliger an object of polemics, and the key influences determining the outlook of his own scheme were the context of his correspondence with Salmasius and the list of authors in Henri Estienne’s collection Poetae Graeci principes… that Scaliger the Younger used as a kind of Greek canon.
Keywords: Joseph Justus Scaliger, history of Ancient Greek literature, Claudius Salmasius, Julius Caesar Scaliger, Henri Estienne
Translations from Horace. P. 128-134
Korchagin, Aleksey O.
Lomonosov MSU
Martianus Capella. On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury Book 2. Translated by Y. Shakhov. P. 135-160
Shakhov Yuriy A.
The Poem by Manasses Cyros Constantinos about His Journey to Jerusalem. Translated by O.V. Smyka. P. 161-192
Smyka, Olga V.
Lomonosov MSU
Par tibi Roma nihil… Narratio Magistri Gregorii de Mirabilibus Urbis Romae. Translated by I.V. Kuvshinskaya. P. 193-228
Kuvshinskaya, Irina V.
Lomonosov MSU
Mediaeval description of Rome’s most remarkable sights entitled “Magistri Gregorii narratio de mirabilibus Urbis Romae” was published in 1917. The paper is the first part of a Russian translation of the text concerning the famous sculptural monuments of Rome and related legends.
Keywords: Rome, Magister Gregorius from Oxford, “De mirabilibus Urbis Romae”, ancient sculpture
About My Fellow Students, Victims of Repressions. P. 229-234
Katsman, Nina L.
Moscow State Linguistic University
Review of the book: Chernyakhovskaya O. Sokrates bei Xenophon: Moral - Politik - Religion. Classica Monacensia, Bd 49. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2014. S. xii, 279. P. 235-240
Belikov, Grigory S.
Lomonosov MSU
“The Material Turn” in Modern Studies of the Ancient, Medieval and Neo-European Magic. P. 241-273
Belousov, Aleksey V.
Lomonosov MSU
Days and Works of Yakov Nikolaevich Lubarskiy. P. 274-303
Kleiner, Yuriy A.
The Ninetieth Birthday of Professor Sir John Boardman (curriculum vitae and Bibliography). P. 304-325
A.A. Grushka’s Entry Cicero in the Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary and Its Genre Analysis. P. 326-334
Skudar, Elena V.
Lomonosov MSU
Basing on unpublished archive documents, the author recounts the history of encyclopedic entry Cicero, written by Apollon Grushka (1869–1929), a prominent Russian classicist. His text is compared to two other entries on the same topic in well-known Russian encyclopedias, written by Tadeusz Zieliński (1859–1944) and Mikhail Gasparov (1935–2005).
Keywords: A.A. Grushka, biography, Cicero, Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary
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